
Posted by on 26 Jul 2008 | Tagged as: Uncategorized

Melina's ShoesLast time my folks babysat, my mom said we had a little Carrie Bradshaw (“Sex in the City”) in the making with all the shoes Melina has. I just laughed, until Joey recently moved all of Meli’s shoes to the top of our entry table and we could see them en mass. Grandma Weiss had it right: Our little girl has a lot of shoes! She now loves to pick out her own pair for the morning – sometimes after I’ve already put some on her feet.


Posted by on 15 Jul 2008 | Tagged as: Uncategorized

Even though the BHS warm pool offers its infant/tot swim and sing class year-round, I’ve been much more into taking Meli in the full throws of summer. Her friend Lily’s mom took some fun video last Friday. Take a look at Meli giggling before “jumping” off the pool wall, and her and some of her friends during the class welcome song.

hop on pop

Posted by on 14 Jul 2008 | Tagged as: Uncategorized

One side benefit of having kids is getting to revisit all my favorite childhood books. For the last five or six months, our house has been full of the wonderful, wacky world of Dr. Suess. We read classic favorites (Green Eggs and Ham, Mr. Brown Can Moo, The Cat in the Hat) but have expanded our repertoire – so far for Kai – to include the moral lessons of Yertle the Turtle and politically potent stories like The Lorax. (I can’t help but think of An Inconvenient Truth each time we read it.) I don’t remember reading these as a kid, and am continually amazed at how brilliantly these simple rhymes convey some complex life lessons.

The other day Meli started asking for her favorite storybook by name: “Hop hop!” (Or maybe it’s “Hop pop” – that’s the beauty of the tongue twister.) She first said it while holding Hop on Pop but the next morning called a different book “Hop hop” as well. And as soon as she opened a page continued with the first lines of the Suess story: “Up pup…” It’s so fun to see her making connections between words and things – even if sometimes they aren’t yet fully formed, so to speak. Needless to say, I’m thrilled that she’s such a fan of Suess.

summer traditions

Posted by on 08 Jul 2008 | Tagged as: Uncategorized

Train Gang

Mam & Meli on the Train

We celebrated the Fourth of July with a train ride in Tilden along with Suli and his parents, and then a trip with them to Jupiter for pizza and beer on the patio. Both these spots would have been packed any other summer weekend, but on the Fourth were were exactly where the crowds weren’t. It made for a calm, pleasant celebration, but didn’t feel much like the Fourth. At least not until Kai made good on taking a nap and was rarin’ to go see fireworks right around the time he usually goes to bed.

Little Walkers: Meli & Suli

Since Joey has zero fascination with fireworks, I drove Kai up to the Rose Garden to view them from afar. We joined a good 50 other folks right at 9:30, and waited patiently for five… ten… twenty minutes. We heard pops and bangs and saw SF city lights in the distance but not a single firework. At last I asked Kai if he wanted to drive higher up the hill to a better clearing. We did, and arrived to see a thin haze coating the Golden Gate and hear from one of the remaining onlookers that this sliver-like fog had hidden the fireworks completely from our Berkeley view. Ah well. Luckily the little man wasn’t too disappointed, and at least we tried!

Walking by the Train Tracks: Crazy Kai & the Gang

On the drive I tried to explain to Kai how when I was a kid my dad bought a family pack of fireworks from a roadside stand, and as soon as the sun set we sat on the front curb – along with the rest of the families on our block – and watched these mini displays of fire shoot up into the air. I told him how we can’t do this anymore because it’s too dangerous. The story went mostly over his head. He fixated on how old my dad was at the time, and how old are the people who now set off the big fireworks in the City? I’m sure I’ll have fun re-telling him this “When I was a kid…” story in a few years.

Beach Smiles

Speaking of when I was a kid: I had another trip down memory lane the very next day, when we packed the kids and a cooler into the car and drove out for a day at Stinson Beach. Berkeley had been wonderfully sunny, but as soon as we hit the coastal hills of Marin we hit a huge, gray-brown blanket of fog. It brought back countless memories of heading to Santa Cruz from San Jose as a kid. We’d spend the afternoon huddled in our sweatshirts on a picnic blanket, munching PB&J sandwiches crunchy with sand.

Sand Kids

Lucky for us, Saturday’s fog burned off right as we hit Stinson. The water was chilly, but Kai and Melina both had a blast flirting with the waves. Meli also had fun munching on a few large mouthfuls of wet sand – sans PB&J. She did it with such vigor that I can’t help but wonder if she’s iron (or something) deficient. Coincidentally, she was recently tested so we’ll know soon. And if we need to supplement we’ll do our best to find something as tasty as that salty sand!

13 months: our little explorer

Posted by on 03 Jul 2008 | Tagged as: Uncategorized

Walking at Yerba Buena Gardens, SF

I now find it funny when parents say “My kid got up and started walking at x months” and seem to pinpoint it to an exact day. I can say that Melina took her first steps the day after her first birthday but she then flirted with the whole walking thing for a good couple weeks. First it was a game (she would only walk to someone) and then it was only when the mood struck her and sleepiness didn’t get in the way. By 12 1/2 months she seemed to be walking as often as crawling, and within a week preferred moving upright pretty much all the time. Yay, Jelly Bean!

This Fountain Is Really Cool! Yerba Buena Gardens, SF

This video from a week ago shows off her new walking skills – though she’s much less wobbly now.

Other newfound skills: I discovered by chance at a friend’s house that she climbs up stairs – full flights in about 30 seconds flat. But now that she has mastered crawling stairs she only wants to walk them. She lifts her foot high and holds up a hand to ask for help as soon as the edge is within reach.

Party Tub o' Drinks: Auntie Jenny's Baby Shower

She also likes to climb or ask to be put into one of the little toddler chairs in our dining room, then pulls out Kai’s crayons and attempts to color, sometimes with success. Other times she just pulls the crayons in and out of the box, and eventually one usually ends up in her mouth. It’s adorable until her mouth turns waxy green.

Pizza Girl

She’s into everything, in every corner of our house. Like most fledgling toddlers, she leaves a trail wherever she goes. She’s also incredibly interested in figuring out how things work. Light switches, the buckles on her stroller strap, the lid of her water bottle, even the zipper on her lunch bag. She’s also curious about anything I put in her hair, which meant we finally had to give in and cut her bangs. She wouldn’t stop pulling out hair clips or pony tails and without them her hair fell directly into her mouth.


She’s started asking to hold her own spoon to feed herself things like yogurt. This afternoon I caught her try to stab a small piece of chicken with the rounded edge. She soon figured out it was easier just to pick it up. Speaking of food: She refuses to drink cow’s milk. And soy milk, for that matter. We’ve tried everything (bottles, sippy cups, big kid cups, even spooning it to her), but all to no avail.

Daddy Likes This Pic (And It's Before He Cut My Bangs)

Finally, a few days ago she turned into Linus, deciding it would be really cool to take her little blankey everywhere. On a recent trip to SF we got to the elevator in the parking garage when I realized it was missing. We found it next to a small puddle of oil by our car but she begged me to let her have it. You can see in the photos above that I gave in – she’s walking along the fountain at Yerba Buena Gardens with it tightly in hand.

portugal photo albums

Posted by on 20 Jun 2008 | Tagged as: Uncategorized

Torre de Belem

I think our flight from Portugal touched down at SFO exactly a month ago today. What better time to post our full trip albums to the blog? To put these four albums in perspective, we took over 1,300 photos in total. Wow. Welcome to the digital SLR age.

And enjoy!

happy graduation, kai!

Posted by on 20 Jun 2008 | Tagged as: Uncategorized

Pre-K Class of 2008

Future Grad

Kids graduate younger and younger these days. Today Kai “graduated” from preschool. I put the word in quotes mainly because the poor guy, along with the majority of his classmates, will be back at school on Monday and for the rest of the summer til kindergarten starts. We think he gets this. Nonetheless, the pre-K class of 2008 put on a great show: They sang “We will rock you” with inflatable guitars and picked up their diplomas one by one from Mr. Tom. They also had all painted pictures of what they want to be when they grow up. Kai’s career ambition? Since he was two, to become a chef. Congrats, Kai!

growing pains

Posted by on 13 Jun 2008 | Tagged as: Uncategorized

Rough Day

Snack @ Stinson

With our trip and Meli’s first birthday in the past, I’m trying to re-focus and re-energize around my writing. It’s tough, especially when I have a blog to distract me. But today I re-started a story that’s been brewing for five years. Here’s to making that story grow.

For her part, so far being one has been rough for the Jelly Bean. Last week was all turmoil. Luckily she’s been on the upswing the past few days. But look at all the changes in her little life:

  • New room at daycare. The Waddlers were fun to visit but now that she’s there full time, Meli sometimes cries for her infant-care teachers when she sees them.
  • Daytime weaning. Now that she’s one, I refuse to pump. She literally threw her sippy cup of whole milk at her teacher last week.
  • Shots. Oh those nasty shots. I swear she was a different, constantly cranky person for the first five days after she got the MMR vaccine.
  • Headcold. Ick. I have it too. So does Kai.
  • Teething. Those two top teeth are certainly taking their time, but little by little we see white emerging.

We’ve still been having fun. On Monday we headed to Stinson Beach with Sapna and Suli. Amazingly, as a 30+ year resident of the Bay Area I’d never been to one of its most famous north county beaches. We soaked up the sun (I got a little too much), and Meli dipped her toes in the cold waves and enjoyed eating fistfuls of sand – until I batted the sand away.

baby steps

Posted by on 07 Jun 2008 | Tagged as: Uncategorized

Ok, I wouldn’t say she’s fully walking yet, but Melina is definitely taking some steps!

Take a look.

(Sorry it’s sideways.)

party girl + first steps

Posted by on 04 Jun 2008 | Tagged as: Uncategorized

Melina's First Birthday Cakes

Meli & Kai

It’s birthday season in our part of the world, and we owe it to Melina and all the little friends she’s made – or I’ve made for her – in the past year. Her own celebration on Sunday included a house overflowing with 40-plus guests: Grandma and Grandpa Weiss showed up early with Aunt Sharon and Uncle Ray (my mom and Kai decorated the butterfly cakes my dad had made), then we were joined by my sis and her twins, family friends, at least 10 one-year-olds and their parents, and a few of our own brave, childless friends (thanks Kitt and MD!)

Kai Helps Blow Out Meli's Candle

Cake Coma

Meli had a blast though was at first a bit confused by the huge ladybug cake set in front of her. Didn’t take her long to figure out it was food and within minutes she and her high chair wore stripes of neon pink. I have to give a hats-off to my super social stepson. According to my mom, he took it upon himself to serve every single person in the room once the candle was blown out (by him, no less). All those years serving up wooden burgers and pretend cups of coffee have paid off.

Party in the Kids' Room

Party Deck - New Patio Furniture!

The next day we headed to one of Melina’s friend’s parties, and she chose this occasion to make her first real attempt at a very real little step. Yay Jelly Bean! She let go of Joey’s hands and took two or three tiny strides towards me then fell into my arms. Twice. Wow. I can’t believe how fast she’s gone from cruising just a couple weeks ago to attempting real steps. We’ll see how long it takes her to perfect this skill – or when she even tries it again. She uses her tongue, sticking straight out, for balance along with her two arms.

Babes Playing at Little Joey's Bday Party

East Bay Moms 'n Babes

In other Melina milestone news, she officially graduated to the Waddler room at daycare this week. She unofficially graduated herself last week, when after a short trial period in the “big” kid room she refused to go back to the baby side of the gate. The teachers let her hang out in her new routine: walks outside, time in the big play gym, and group snacks. Meli was in heaven, I’m sure. I for one am relieved she’s enjoying the transition.

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