half moon bay

Posted by on 06 Sep 2010 | Tagged as: Uncategorized

I haven’t been updating the blog much lately because we’ve been busy – even moreso than usual. Besides being in escrow for a new house (story and photos to come at a later date), we’ve had two weddings in two weekends. The most recent was Brian and Jen’s, and since it was on the coast in Half Moon Bay we decided to use the occasion for a small getaway with the girls.


shirley temple

Melina was thrilled at the idea of spending an evening with princesses and immediately latched onto our friend Cassandra, the “purple princess” (yes, dressed in lovely, shiny purple). She also liked the “white princess” (bride Jen), her first Shirley Temple, a plate full of french fries and fried chicken (the food was Peruvian), the fire pit outside, and most of all, the series of cakes shaped like gifts wrapped in white with blue bows.


standing girl

Nalani enjoyed the fire pit and new faces for about 40 minutes then took a really long snooze strapped to me in the Baby Bjorn. She also liked staring out at the ocean, as did Melina. Before the wedding party we walked along the coast looking for mermaids. I was half joking about it, and didn’t realize until our way back to the hotel that Melina really thought we’d see one. She was pretty bummed that we hadn’t, and at age three didn’t seem to care when I told her they’re even more elusive than whales.

nalani at 4 months

Posted by on 14 Aug 2010 | Tagged as: Uncategorized

Phew! Four months, really? It went by fast with Melina but this feels like super-speed.


naked sisters

Our littlest girl is up to all sorts of new stuff, including wanting to sit up (she does ok for about 10 minutes in a Bumbo chair or against a boppy), smiling at herself in the mirror, grabbing at things and batting at the animals on her play gym (and her favorite toy, the winkel), laughing up a storm (especially when Kai or Melina is involved), and rolling over from belly to back. She can also get to her side from her back depending on her mood and motivation. She’s started to show a small interest in our own meal times, but hasn’t yet started grabbing for our food.



She can be quite loud. She loves expressing her desire to have other people around, and lets us know immediately that she doesn’t like to be left alone in a room, even for just a couple minutes. She squawks loudly when she’s hungry or wants attention or comfort, and I have no doubt she’ll do just fine holding her own with two older siblings. On the flip side, when she’s content she’s pretty quiet and chill, to such an extent that with three kids we sometimes almost forget she’s there. (Sorry, monkey!)

girls pool

daddy nali

Nalani is on her second cold of her little life – chalk it up to two older siblings and an exceptionally cold summer. This time she also has a cough and we swear it sounds like she’s losing her voice. Since she doesn’t seem to be in pain, it’s a bit funny to hear that scratchy sound in a four-month-old’s coos.

The other big question with four-month-olds is always “sleeping through the night yet?” Well, she still does at least one five-hour stint each night.grandma blanketbumbo But where she used to go til 2 or even 3am then wake every hour or so after that, she’s now switched to waking earlier (around midnight or 1am) for a snack, but then will sleep again until 5 or 6am. Or sometimes 4. Ugh. Then again the other night she slept clear through from 7:30pm til nearly 6am. Daddy shoved a binky in her mouth when she woke up around 3, and that was all she needed. So we know she’s capable.



We still spend our days going on morning walks to Elmwood Cafe after dropping Melina at preschool, then running errands, walking around our own ‘hood and visiting friends, and doing baby yoga once a week with Anna and baby Maya. Next week I start working two days/week. Since it’s only two days I feel okay with the change, maybe even ready for it. Nalani has had a couple trial stints at daycare, where the report was “She ate great, she slept, and she smiled a lot.” Outside of being with us, we couldn’t ask for more in the care of our little four-month-old.

capitola 2010

Posted by on 01 Aug 2010 | Tagged as: Uncategorized



Last week we headed to Capitola for our annual Weiss family beach vacation, a tradition we started when Melina was Nalani’s age. Highlights included daily sand play (Kai), a mosaic mermaid on our walk to the beach (Melina), Grandpa/Grandma/Auntie Stacie holding time (Nalani), daily ice cream, a trip to the candy store, and of course plenty of cousin play with Lucas and Noah.

nali dada

joey lynn beach

We also celebrated baby Nalani with a “sprinkle” hosted by the Hindmarshes and a reunion of our two families. It was great fun to see Jess and her family for the first time in two years (yikes!). Then on Tuesday evening we headed to the boardwalk for 1907 night: all rides, hot dogs, and cotton candy just $1 a piece.

beach yoga

three generations

Melina had been looking forward to her first taste of cotton candy all afternoon, but was heartbroken when the pink fluff melted to near nothing in her hands before getting to her mouth, and was absolutely traumatized when I plopped a fresh piece right in and she discovered it didn’t taste anything like what she’d hoped. At least that’s what her cries told me she felt.



Lowlights included the two older kids and me fighting a cold the entire time, and Joey’s insane bout of sciatica. It was so bad one morning that Nalani and I had to take him to the ER in Santa Cruz while Kai and Melina held down the fort, so to speak, with their cousins.

grandpa nali

grandpa mina

Joey felt ridiculous walking through the door with a cup of coffee in his hand, and was more than disappointed when the only treatment given was a terse “you need to stretch and excercise through the pain” from the doc. “Can’t you give me a shot?” Nope. Luckily the doc was right and stretching is helping, just not as quickly as Joey would like.

roller coaster


Needless to say, traveling with three young kids was not exactly a vacation in the relaxing sense of the word. But the kids had a blast, I loved hanging out with my “whole family” as Melina would say, and we all got a kick out of a change of scenery for five days. I’m sure our tradition will become more relaxing as the kids get older… right?

happy three months, nalani!

Posted by on 14 Jul 2010 | Tagged as: Uncategorized

three months today!

sisters fourth

When Melina heard Nalani had her three-month birthday today, she wanted to give her a present to open and cake with candles to blow out. (She would do the opening and blowing out, of course, being the three-YEAR-old!) We didn’t celebrate in such grand style, but have been celebrating the small moments for the past week or two, when our baby girl seemed to fully wake up to the world.

stroller tongue

play gym

She now smiles incessantly when watching someone else’s face (it’s her favorite passtime) and loves to talk to us, make razzing sounds, and blow bubbles. Just today under her play gym she seemed to notice for the first time that she could bat at something with her own fists. I don’t think she gets the intention yet, but it was fun to watch her notice cause-and-effect right before her eyes.


tummy drool

Nalani has had full neck control for a week or two now, and she’s started rolling to her side from either her belly or her back – but hasn’t made it all the way over in either direction quite yet. She’s started rejecting mama’s sling and even facing inward in the Baby Bjorn unless she’s ready for a nap. She loves facing outward, though, and has started taking in the rustling leaves and passing world as we go on daily walks with her stroller.

sisters chair

stroller bear

She sleeps “through the night” consistently by the technical definition of five straight hours. But sometimes those hours are from 7:30pm to 12:30am. More often she’ll sleep til 2am, and sometimes all the way til 4 or 5am without waking. Looking forward to that becoming the norm.

My favorite Nalani development of the last month is her absolute insistence on telling us when she’s ready for jammies, swaddle, milk, and bed each night. She literally requests bedtime with her squawks around 7pm, so consistently we have to laugh. While I hate to compare, it’s a sharp contrast to Melina, who eases into each night (or more recently, fights bedtime til she’s good and wound down). I don’t think we’re going to be able to push Nalani with evenings out and about the way we’ve been able to push Melina. But on the plus side I’m guessing we’ll know exactly what she needs, and when.

sf zoo visit

Posted by on 27 Jun 2010 | Tagged as: Uncategorized

Mama's Hand

Puffer Train

Long before Nalani was born, our friends the Yamadas gave us a couple free passes to the SF Zoo. They expired at the end of June but with at least eight months to spare we figured we had plenty of time. As human nature usually dictates, we waited until the last minute to finally trek over the bridge and to the coastal, wind-blown corner of my favorite city.

Turtle, SF Zoo


Melina’s highlights from our visit included two ant eaters as big as her and a polar bear – neither of which we have at the Oakland Zoo – and the flamingos, probably because they’re pink. I always love to see penguins, also something we don’t have in Oakland.

Nalani slept through most of the outing. One day soon she’ll start to enjoy zoo visits, too!

wheels all around

Posted by on 18 Jun 2010 | Tagged as: Uncategorized

New Wheels

Bike Seat

This month’s theme at Melina’s preschool is transportation, which seems all too appropriate given how much biking we’ve been doing. Mina got her first two-wheeler for her third birthday. It has no pedals and no training wheels, which is supposed to help her learn to balance. Look at the video to see how well she’s doing after just one week!

I’ve also started to pick her up from school one day a week on my bike, just like I did last summer. When I ask if she remembers she says, “I’m sorry Mama, I don’t remember.” No matter, it’s fun exercise for mama and fresh air for the little girl as we journey across town.

nalani at two months

Posted by on 14 Jun 2010 | Tagged as: Uncategorized

Jupiter Smile

Big Smile

This month is all about smiles… and more sleeping, eating, and spitting up like a fountain. Nalani’s favorite time to give big grins is on the changing table, probably because the distance to our own smiles is perfect for her to take them in. She’s also started to make little conversational cooing sounds. Daddy claims she said “I love you” (as in “i-la” followed by “ooo”) and Kai swears she said his name. I believe that one, since she makes the “i” sound quite a bit.

Sleepy Peeperton

I recently re-read that the technical definition of “sleeping through the night” is five hours. In that case, Nalani has been sleeping through the night consistently since five or six weeks old. Of course those hours – which are often up to six or seven – typically fall from around 8 or 9pm til 2 or 3am, and then she wakes up to eat every two hours til the sun comes up.

Crook Neck


But she did sleep nine (yes, nine!) hours straight once, the night after Melina’s bday party. And at two months she’s definitely settled into a routine where she goes to bed not long after the other kids and wakes up for some active time around 7 or 8am, just like Melina. Fingers crossed we don’t have another super early bird like Kai, since the rest of us like to sleep in.

pink party in the park

Posted by on 08 Jun 2010 | Tagged as: Uncategorized

Three Candles

Cake Cut

We celebrated Melina’s third birthday with a Pink Party in the Park. The night before the big event I asked which of her pink dresses she was going to wear, and she paused briefly before saying, “I think I’ll wear orange.” In the end she chose dark pink – as opposed to what she calls “real pink” or light pink. Her friends and their parents also didn’t disappoint, wearing everything from salmon pink to deep maroon and red.

Pinata Girl

Pinata Line

We ended up with a large crowd and spectacular weather. Melina was a little confused when friends from different parts of her life started to show up. She’s not used to having school friends and playgroup friends and neighborhood friends – not to mention her cousins – all in one spot.


Grandparents Pink Table

Big hits of the day included the train in the playground, pink cream cheese for bagels and pink and red fruit, a yummy banana cake in the shape of a flower, and of course a pink flower pinata! It took 15 kids and at least five adults taking multiple turns over 20 minutes (and some slits I made in the cardboard the night before), but the pinata finally cracked while still hanging from the tree. Kai was proud to deliver the final blow.

Mina & Mama


Cousins and grandparents joined us back at the house after the big event, and by the time everyone left Mina was 100% wired and 110% tired. We were able to get her to bed by 7pm, which is unheard of these days. But not before one final attempt on her part to have another cupcake, in the Melina version of uber-polite: “Can may I have a cupcake please?”

pony ride

Posted by on 08 Jun 2010 | Tagged as: Uncategorized

pony ride

Less than a year ago Melina refused to ride a merry-go-round much less a real pony. That all changed this spring. She adores a ride of any kind, and was thrilled when she saw “little horsies” at Kai’s school’s annual spring fair.

Because the ponies might frighten, the kids weren’t even strapped in and I walked along side her. Mina was all smiles for the over five minute ride, and kept saying “this pony’s really bumpy!”

big birthday weekend

Posted by on 03 Jun 2010 | Tagged as: Uncategorized

Pink Donuts

Princess Pedicure

Melina’s first words the day after her birthday were “Is it still my party?” While her pink party in the park isn’t happening til next Sunday, we had a fun-filled, extra long weekend leading up to her day – itself full of special treats. It’s no wonder she thought the fun would continue well into the week.

Ladybug Car

Danny the Dragon

We started her big day with a walk to our neighborhood cafe with Kendall and her mom, where both girls got pink donuts. Melina barely touched hers but loved the idea of it. We then had a play date at the park with Connor, a nap (which she took with surprising ease), and the thing she’d been looking forward to most: a princess pedicure with Lily.

First Winetasting Trip


Melina had been talking about pink toenails for a week, but when we arrived chose orange instead. Lily, whose favorite color is orange, chose sparkle pink. 20 minutes after we left Melina looked at her toes and said “I want sparkles!” Next time, babe. We topped off the day with dinner and ice cream at T-Rex with Lily’s family.

Bocce Ball

Jenny + Nalani

Earlier this weekend we drove down to SJ to visit with my parents and play at Happy Hollow. Melina had a blast on all the kiddie rides and was really bummed she couldn’t ride the roller coaster. (She’s too short.) The day before we took an impromptu visit to Livermore to picnic and visit our favorite winery with friends. Melina and Kanoa enjoyed the bocce ball court, and we adults enjoyed the ease of a family-friendly winery, especially one with wine as yummy as BoaVentura’s!

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