It’s only now, after the incapacitating nausea of my first trimester and the mad flurry of the holidays, that I’m able to reflect on all the changes that have already happened in our lives, even before the little one arrives.

Back in September, I quit my fulltime job in SF to work as a part-time content strategist in an office just a mile from my house. The idea? I spend the other part of my time working on my writing. In a case of ironic timing, I found out I was pregnant the day after giving notice at my previous job, and my morning sickness kicked into full gear on my first day “free” to write.

Luckily I’m now in a space where I’m able to function once again, to work with my characters and create the worlds in which they live…. at the same time that I’m creating a little life inside me, and looking to fix up the room and space in which he or she will soon live.

My husband has also been busy. In October Joey followed his own dream and opened a game store in North Berkeley! Take a look: Green Griffon Games.