one month and counting…
Posted by laralynnian on 27 Apr 2007 at 08:52 am | Tagged as: Uncategorized
Our due date is May 27. Wow, one month. We’re getting so close! I figure Baby will join us in the world anytime between two and six weeks from now. As a friend commented the other day, we’ll probably never be “ready” but we’re at least close to being prepared. Just a couple more days at work and a few runs to Babies r Us, Rockridge Kids, and Target.
The kindness of our friends and family displayed itself last Saturay, with our “bring the whole family!” baby shower that Stacie and German hosted. Thank you to all for the fun time and cute and practical gifts. Finally, congrats to Jennie (pictured above with me) and Dave on the birth of little Raycer (the Vanderbaby) on Tuesday!