Cousins in a Tub: Kai, Lucas, Noah, Meli

How many adults does it take to dry a toddler?

Last weekend Stacie and I helped our mom host a baby shower for a family friend – then we stuck around, full families in tow – for the rest of the weekend. With the festive air and all the kids running (the three boys) and rolling (Meli) around, it almost felt like Christmas.



On the ride down to San Jose, I told Kai that if everyone was in a good mood all four kids might be able to take a bath together for the first time. Kai spent a large part of the afternoon reminding me about the proposed communal bath. Luckily, all the toddler stars aligned and with nary a meltdown in sight Kai got his wish. Grandma and Grandpa got a kick out of watching four parents try to keep four wet kids in check!

Three Generations: Mama, Meli, Grandma, Auntie Stacie

Balloons w/ Bro Bro

The kids, for their part, are starting to play together. Kinda. Kai took toys from Lucas, Lucas took toys from Melina, and at one point Melina started sucking on one of the twins’ sippy cups. And then they all followed each other around. Isn’t family fun?