missing mama
Posted by laralynnian on 24 Nov 2007 at 04:09 pm | Tagged as: Uncategorized
I had my first day back at work on Tuesday, which meant Melina had her first full day at daycare. My morning went ok. I had a computer that worked and my old familiar cube, but had to grapple with the logistics of pumping in an odd office shower room and without bottles (I’d forgotten that I wouldn’t have any to pump into after sending six off with Meli). I received emails and calls of support from other moms – from my neighbor who I barely know to my sister to my oldest friend in the world. I missed my little girl but felt oddly at peace with the space and quiet to just be me.
Then I got the phone call. It was mid-afternoon. The teacher started the conversation with “Melina is FINE…” and I immediately thought “Great! She’s calling to reassure me on our first day.” But then she continued, “We’re wondering if there’s anything you forgot to mention, like a possible ear infection, maybe she’s coming down with something… She’s just not the happy girl she was last week… In fact, she’s been crying almost non-stop since about 10 minutes after you dropped her off.”
My poor little girl! I asked about naps, made sure she had her blankie, and left an hour early to pick her up even though they assured me they could handle it, they just wanted to see if I had any information that could help them comfort my baby.
When Joey and I entered the nursery she was still crying. She slowed to a sniffle as soon as she was in my arms and gave me a big baby snuggle hug. And within two minutes of walking outside she was literally laughing – little bursts of joy – at the silly faces Joey made for her. We took her for a walk, picked up Kai from school, did our whole evening routine and she didn’t fuss once, not even when we put her down for the night.
She wasn’t sick, she wasn’t teething, she wasn’t coming down with something. She just missed her family and her familiar routines!
I remember hearing stories about me pulling similar attachment stunts with my own parents, though when I was closer to six years, not six months.
On hearing Melina’s story my mom reminded me of one of her own: She once cried and complained so much on a weekend getaway with relatives that her father had to drive four hours to pick her up in the middle of the night. I guess homesickness runs in the family. Hopefully the paradoxical drive to travel will, too!
On another “Melina milestone” note: Grandma and Grandpa Weiss brought her a high chair from their collection. Kai fed her in it the other day, and couldn’t shovel the food fast enough. Melina tried to take things into her own hands and grabbed at the spoon every chance she got, or flung her face forward and stuck out her tongue in an attempt to meet the sweet potatoes half-way. So far we’ve only found one food our little foodie doesn’t like: avocado. Can’t say I blame her, though her daddy’s a little disappointed. Meli was a good sport and played games with him and Uncle Kitt the other day, so he forgives her.