winding up highway one
Posted by laralynnian on 09 Feb 2007 at 02:06 pm | Tagged as: Uncategorized
Sunshine appeared as soon as we left the immediate Point Reyes region, and it followed us all the way up the coast to Mendocino. Glorious, clear winter light striking the waves greeted us at every turn of this infamous stretch of highway.
I offered (ok, begged) to drive one of the worst parts, because I get carsick very easily and can’t take Dramamine while I’m pregnant. Anyone who suffers motion sickness knows that taking the wheel often stops it. Weird.
Unfortunately, Joey looked a little green by the time we stopped at Fort Ross for a picnic in the wind-chilled sunshine and a tour of this isolated yet somehow homey fortress that I adore every time I visit. Fyi: the picture of the church was taken through an old glass window, so the larger image will have a funky warped texture.
We also stopped at plenty of small towns along the way, including Tomales to pick up some candy, and at various overlooks to take in the view without fear of driving off a cliff. Yes, at five-plus months I’m looking more and more pregnant every day!