Jupiter Smile

Big Smile

This month is all about smiles… and more sleeping, eating, and spitting up like a fountain. Nalani’s favorite time to give big grins is on the changing table, probably because the distance to our own smiles is perfect for her to take them in. She’s also started to make little conversational cooing sounds. Daddy claims she said “I love you” (as in “i-la” followed by “ooo”) and Kai swears she said his name. I believe that one, since she makes the “i” sound quite a bit.

Sleepy Peeperton

I recently re-read that the technical definition of “sleeping through the night” is five hours. In that case, Nalani has been sleeping through the night consistently since five or six weeks old. Of course those hours – which are often up to six or seven – typically fall from around 8 or 9pm til 2 or 3am, and then she wakes up to eat every two hours til the sun comes up.

Crook Neck


But she did sleep nine (yes, nine!) hours straight once, the night after Melina’s bday party. And at two months she’s definitely settled into a routine where she goes to bed not long after the other kids and wakes up for some active time around 7 or 8am, just like Melina. Fingers crossed we don’t have another super early bird like Kai, since the rest of us like to sleep in.