visits & outings
Posted by laralynnian on 11 Jun 2007 at 02:08 pm | Tagged as: Uncategorized
Melina and the rest of us continue to do well. We’ve enjoyed all the visits and the tasty treats folks have brought us! Melina especially enjoyed meeting her twin cousins, Lucas and Noah, who are now 16 months. Look how big they are compared to her.
On Saturday we took Melina on her first non-doctor outing, to Andronico’s supermarket. She slept through the entire adventure.
Today the three of us strolled along College Ave in Rockridge, and mommy and daddy even got to enjoy a latte and a bit of reading at an outdoor cafe. Pure heaven with her sleeping in her stroller next to us!
Finally, here’s a shot of her in her favorite post-feeding position: sleeping with her chin propped on her little fist.